
CNPS Membership for Individuals

  • $ 50.00

Giving a membership as a gift? Visit us here


CNPS members save the native plants of California, help conserve our land, water, and air; give our wildlife a fighting chance; and leave our Earth for future generations to treasure and enjoy.

Members receive free subscriptions to Flora and Artemisia magazines, as well as the benefits listed below:

  • Affiliation with a local CNPS chapter
  • Access to statewide and chapter activities including plant sales, garden tours, wildflower shows, field trips, hikes, book sales, lectures, classes and more!
  • Discounts on educational workshops and our triennial conference
  • Discounts from participating retail stores including nurseries, magazines, and landscape companies. See our full list of partners.
  • Discounts from participating retail stores including nurseries, magazines, and many other stores. See our full list of partners


Your membership will support:

  • Monitoring rare and endangered plants and habitats
  • Acting to save endangered areas through publicity, persuasion, and as an absolute last resort, legal action
  • Serving as a science-based resource in public planning processes
  • Supporting the establishment of native plant preserves
  • Sponsoring workdays to remove invasive plants
  • Educational activities including speaker programs, field trips, native plant sales, horticultural workshops, and demonstration gardens.


    Additional levels are available for Organizations. To learn more please click the icon below.

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